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If you have any questions about what we offer for consumers or for businesses, you can always email us directly or via the form below. We’ll reply within 24 hours.
Lead Sales:
Hard Metal Sales:
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We’re available by phone from 7:30AM to 5.00PM (GMT) Monday – Friday. Chat with a friendly member of our team…
Tel: 01992 444100 (Lead)
Tel: 01992 801927 (Hard Metals)
ALM – Associated Lead Mills LTD
Unit B, Bingley Road, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, EN11 0NX
Get in touch
Associated Lead Mills and ALM HM are happy to deal with any enquiries. If the products you are looking for are not listed on our website, it may be that we can obtain them at a cost effective price using our buying power. Initial contact details are provided below. Please contact by phone or email and the correct department or person will be provided to deal with your enquiry.