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Associated Lead Mills and ALM Hard Metals endeavour to deliver all materials using our own team of drivers and fleet of vehicles.

No matter how big or small the order, ALM can deliver using any of the several trucks we run on a daily basis. Our trucks can deliver anything from 1 metal sheet to 20+tons in coil with HIAB Crane Offload available upon request. We also run small trucks to cater for awkward site access and small order deliveries.

Once a contract is placed for large order quantities, ALM will hold the stock in our secure premises and allow the customer to “call off” material as and when required. Invoices are only raised upon delivery so providing the customer initially secures their order with a contract, we will hold the price set by the contract preventing any effects the London Metal Exchange may have on the metals worth.

Following strict assessment, ALM’s whole transport department has been awarded FORS accreditation.

FORS is a method of recognising fleet operations which comply with the requirements of the FORS standard. The FORS standard is based upon lawfulness, safety, efficiency, and environmental protection.

FORS is a voluntary certification scheme aimed at ensuring that fleet operators work lawfully and to best practice as stated in the FORS standard. This standard allows ALMs fleet to carry out deliveries on certain sites and in certain locations where non registered carriers cannot

    • Management
    • Vehicles
    • Drivers
    • Operations

ALM meets the criteria set out in the FORS standards following a company audit which took place on our premises and was carried out buy an independent FORS auditor.

Order collection is also possible from either of our two Hoddesdon based warehouses.

by ALM ALM No Comments

Awards and Associations

Associated Lead Mills are the main sponsor for the Murdoch Awards.

The Murdoch Awards is the ultimate accolade for any lead worker confident enough to put their projects forward allowing their workmanship and abilities to come under the scrutiny of judges and peers.

With regard to associations, ALM are members of all governing bodies ensuring that as a distributor to the UK industry, we are kept up to date with details and information that could affect our customers which include installers, fabricators, architects and main contractors.

We are pleased to be members and associate members of the following.


The LCA (Lead Contractors Association)

Lead and Hard Metals

The NFRC (National Federation of Roofing Contractors)

The CRC (Confederation of Roofing Contractors)

Hard Metals

The FTMRC (Federation of Traditional Metal Roofing Contractors)